Dear Self,
I am going to take things slow and breathe deeply.
I am going to love on you just like I’d love my bestie.
I am going to open my heart to you and listen from there.
I am going to let go of any shame or blame. It’s covering up what I need to learn.
In uncovering, I discover parts of me I had never known.
So much to learn, to connect with and understand under this veil.
Some parts need to be seen, some need to be heard and some need healing.
I welcome all of you- the broken, the chipped and the healed.
I celebrate you, whole, as a woman, experiencing her life.
As I love you, I get to know you.
As I get to know you, I realign and rebuild.
I will not be unkind and unfair. I will support you.
I will take deep, full breaths and get into my body and away from the chatter of my ego mind.
I can slow down now to speed up later.
This is my time to just BE with you.
You’re My Favorite!
Love, ME