Your physical health directly affects your mental health and ability to recover from substance use disorder (SUD) or mental health issues. Nutritional meals, regular exercise, and quality sleep are essential to establishing and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. According to MedlinePlus, “Because balanced nutrition helps improve mood and health, it is important to encourage a healthy diet in a person recovering from alcohol and other drug problems.” Emerge Recovery TX helps clients understand the importance of nutrition in recovery. Healthy eating ensures clients feel more energized and focused during treatment and recovery.
Some women in recovery struggle to maintain proper nutrition. Establishing healthy routines takes time and effort. However, prioritizing a balanced approach to personal health makes it easier for women to reduce cravings and triggers. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), “Recovery is characterized by continual growth and improvement in one’s health and wellness.” The clinical team at Emerge Recovery TX encourages clients to engage in self-care and look after their physical well-being through proper nutrition and other healthy routines, including regular exercise.
Women in recovery benefit from learning about the following:
Clients in treatment are informed about proper nutrition to help facilitate a healthier relationship with food and eating. Clinicians provide education on how certain foods and nutrients affect mental health. You will have access to essential services and referrals to outside resources, including nutritional counseling.
Your nutritional health influences how your body handles stress. You may feel fatigued or have difficulty focusing if your body doesn’t get proper nutrients throughout the day. Being diagnosed with SUD increases the risk of experiencing malnutrition. According to Nutrition Reviews, “Chronic substance use affects a person’s nutritional status and body composition through decreased intake, nutrient absorption, and dysregulation of hormones that alter the mechanisms of satiety and food intake.” A healthy diet reduces some of the adverse effects of SUD during recovery. Proper nutrition in recovery also ensures the brain, heart, and other body organs function normally and provide the body with the energy you need to heal.
The side effects of nutrient deficiencies are different for everyone and depend on various factors, including age, gender, genetics, and environment. Some of the ways nutrition may affect the symptoms and side effects of SUD include:
Individuals who have experienced chronic disordered eating or malnutrition may need to consult with a certified dietician or other professional to determine the best way to quickly improve nutrient intake. Emerge Recovery TX ensures all clients can access the resources to make healthy lifestyle changes.
Opiates, alcohol, and other substances affect metabolism, blood sugar regulation, and other essential body functions. The side effects cause some people to experience exhaustion, difficulty focusing, and other symptoms. Mental health disorders are also affected by daily nutrient intake. According to the previously mentioned research by MedlinePlus, “Alcohol use is one of the major causes of nutritional deficiency in the United States.”
Women recovering from alcohol use disorder (AUD) and other forms of substance misuse may experience the following side effects from nutrient deficiencies:
Deficiencies in essential nutrients cause some severe syndromes and diseases. Often, the effects are neutralized once the person begins eating a balanced diet. Early intervention and treatment are the best way to avoid the long-term side effects of chronic malnutrition and malnourishment.
Emerge Recovery TX helps clients establish and maintain healthy behaviors. Clients struggling to meet nutritional guidelines can rely on our care team to help them identify problem areas and find positive solutions. Our clinicians help clients by introducing intuitive eating (IE) into their self-care routine.
According to Health Psychology Open, “IE encourages eating in accordance with hunger and satiety cues, as opposed to emotional or externally triggered eating.” In addition, “[I]t shifts the focus from body weight to well-being, encourages letting go the idea of ‘forbidden’ or ‘bad’ foods and promotes unconditional permission to eat when and what food is desired.” Emerge Recovery TX will help you reconnect with your body and learn to recognize hunger or fullness cues. Intuitive eating is paired with nutritional coaching to ensure clients build a healthy relationship with food while maintaining their overall health.
Women healing from SUD and mental health disorders benefit from prioritizing their nutritional health. However, balancing nutrition and recovery is not always easy. Sometimes the symptoms or side effects of mental health issues make it difficult for people to complete tasks of daily living, including grocery shopping and cooking. Emerge Recovery TX provides women with the tools and resources to establish healthy and sustainable routines. Your care team will ensure you have the skills to improve your overall health and your relationship with food. Balancing your nutritional intake will directly impact your long-term recovery.
Proper nutrition positively impacts behavior, cognition, emotional wellness, and general health. Many women recovering from substance misuse and mental health disorders have difficulty maintaining a healthy relationship with food. In some cases, clients struggle with co-occurring or secondary eating disorders. Professional mental health and recovery programs provide a safe space where women learn to maintain healthy routines and behaviors using intuitive eating and coping skills. Emerge Recovery TX provides nutritional coaching for individuals struggling with disordered eating. The clinical team guides clients through learning the knowledge and skills they need to identify and prepare nourishing meals. To learn more about our programs and services, call us today at (737) 237-9663.