Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing (EMDR)

Treating Depression & PTSD in Women

Every woman’s history of trauma is a complex web of knotted roots, buried deep over time. Unearthing and untangling them is a delicate, careful process – and one that requires many different tools custom-shaped for each moment along the way. EMDR (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing) is an evidence-based modality that is particularly suited for dealing with the difficult work of trauma healing and PTSD in women.

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What is EMDR?

Eye-movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) is an evidence-based therapy for healing the long-term effects of trauma. EMDR is:

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    A popular tool for trauma healing since 1987

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    Evidence-based and backed by clinical research studies

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    Only available with the help of a licensed clinician

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    An alternative to traditional psychotherapy practices


Who Needs EMDR?

Because of how deeply trauma and other mental disorders can be linked, EMDR is a useful tool for treating a variety of challenges, including:

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    Panic disorders

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EMDR & Mental Health Treatment


EMDR is just one of the innovative and evidence-based modalities used in addiction and mental health treatment for women at Grace & Emerge Recovery. Other modalities that may be offered include:

Attachment-based therapy

Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT)

Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT)

Family therapy

Group therapy

Polyvagal theory

EMDR for Depression

Although it is known primarily as a tool for processing trauma, EMDR has been shown to be effective in treating depression as well. Indeed, depression, trauma, and PTSD are closely linked. Adult participants in one research study on PTSD were five times as likely to have a depression diagnosis if they were already diagnosed with PTSD, for example. EMDR can help adult women struggling with depression to find freedom from the trauma that may be at its roots.

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Research shows that EMDR is effective in treating PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) – both on its own and as part of a wider treatment plan incorporating other modalities and/or medication. One study of adults with PTSD found an 84% decrease in symptoms among participants. Best of all, we know from experience and the evidence that these striking results are sustainable. In a different study of adults, symptoms were still reduced at nearly three years post-EMDR treatment.


How Does EMDR Work?

EMDR has its roots in talk therapy, and begins as the client builds a relationship of trust with a licensed clinician. In a session, you can expect your therapist to guide you through the eight phases of EMDR therapy. They will help you identify and target specific traumatic memories, whether that be childhood trauma or more recent traumatic experiences. The clinician will speak with the client about a past traumatic memory (the “targeted memory”) while the client follows visual cues to induce bilateral eye movement. These may include flashing lights, moving paddles, and other visual stimuli to make the eyes go back and forth. Over time, this helps the brain rewire the neural pathways related to that memory, allowing individuals to revisit them with reduced emotional reaction. EMDR is not a one-time miracle cure. It takes many sessions with a trusted guide, moves at the client’s own pace, and often begins with the topmost layers of trauma, allowing trust and safety to build over time — and true healing to take place. While the duration of EMDR therapy varies depending on individual needs, most clients begin to see progress after a few sessions.

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Recover with EMDR Therapy in Austin

If you or someone you know is struggling with the lingering effects of traumatic life experiences, anxiety, or other mental health challenges, consider seeking the transformative benefits of EMDR therapy. At Grace & Emerge, our EMDR therapists are dedicated to providing compassionate and effective treatment options to help individuals heal and reclaim their lives. Please get in touch with us today to learn more about how we can support you on your journey toward emotional well-being. Take the first step towards healing today and emerge into a brighter future.




  • Is EMDR treatment suitable for PTSD?

    Yes, EMDR therapy is recognized as a highly effective treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It is specifically designed to address the distressing symptoms associated with traumatic experiences. EMDR therapy helps individuals process traumatic memories, reduce the emotional impact of those memories, and promote healing and resolution.

  • Why is EMDR therapy so powerful?

    EMDR therapy is considered powerful due to its unique approach in targeting and reprocessing traumatic memories. By utilizing bilateral stimulation techniques, such as eye movements or tapping, EMDR therapy facilitates the brain’s natural ability to process information and integrate traumatic experiences. This results in a reduction of emotional distress and the formation of more adaptive and positive beliefs.

  • What are the eight stages of EMDR therapy?

    Stage 1: History Taking – The therapist gathers information about the client’s history, including any traumatic events or distressing memories.


    Stage 2: Preparation – The client learns coping skills and relaxation techniques to help manage any emotional distress that may arise during therapy.


    Stage 3: Assessment – The therapist works with the client to identify the target traumatic memory or belief that will be the focus of the EMDR treatment.


    Stage 4: Desensitization – Using bilateral stimulation, the therapist guides the client in reprocessing the target memory, allowing it to become less distressing and emotionally charged.


    Stage 5: Installation – Positive beliefs and emotions are reinforced and integrated into the client’s perception of the target memory.


    Stage 6: Body Scan – The therapist helps the client scan their body for any residual tension, body sensations, or discomfort related to the target memory, promoting a sense of relaxation and resolution.


    Stage 7: Closure – At the end of each session, the therapist ensures the client feels stable and grounded, using techniques to help the client return to a calm state.


    Stage 8: Reevaluation – In subsequent sessions, the therapist reviews progress and determines if further processing is needed on the target memory or if new targets should be addressed.

EMDR for Mental Health Disorders

EMDR is appropriate for us in treating many mental health disorders, including:

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    Chronic pain

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    Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)

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    Panic disorders

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    Substance use disorders


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A Note on Evidence-Based Modalities

To those unfamiliar with EMDR, talking about your most painful secrets in front of a flashing light bar might seem bizarre or even intimidating. However, like all therapeutic modalities at Grace & Emerge Recovery, EMDR was adopted only after decades of scientific studies proved its efficacy. Learn more about our evidence-based modalities.

Other Mental Health Disorders We Treat

The mental health treatment program at Grace & Emerge Recovery holds space for all women, including those with:






Bipolar Disorder


Borderline personality disorder




Disordered Eating


Mood Disorders




Panic Disorder






Social Anxiety Disorder


Suicidal ideation




And More


Why Grace & Emerge for EMDR in Austin?

When it comes to EMDR therapy, choosing the right provider is essential for a successful and impactful healing journey. Our team of experienced and compassionate therapists and licensed professional counselors specialize in trauma-related disorders and utilizes the latest trauma treatments to facilitate deep and lasting healing. We prioritize creating a safe and supportive environment where individuals can explore their traumatic experiences during EMDR sessions and find the strength to move forward. With our commitment to excellence, evidence-based practices, and dedication to our client’s well-being, choosing Grace & Emerge Recovery for EMDR therapy in Austin means embarking on a transformative journey toward healing, growth, and improved mental health.


Find True Trauma Healing

EMDR and other therapeutic tools at Grace & Emerge Recovery can give you a new sense of freedom — and hope for the future. Start your journey today.